Wood Pictures
Teatro della Mandarina Company
Wood Pictures was born as a Social Promotion Association on the occasion of the production of the film The Master of Languages , based on the novel of the same name by Federico Castagner, published by Edizioni Era Nuova of Perugia.
This feature film was the main work made by Wood Pictures, a beautiful and probably unrepeatable experience, at least in the same way: about 200 volunteers participated in various ways in the production of the film, which was made in about 6 weeks of shooting. spread over the course of a year and a half.
Subsequent productions involved a commercial and a short film in collaboration with AVIS (Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue), some clips of "video-poetry" , a tribute to women for the 8 March party and a reading of a short story for the event "readings at the theater" promoted by FITA Umbria.
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Good vision!